Imagery courtesy of Berkeley Puckitt and the Laura W. Bush Institute for Women’s Health

It is my personal mission to positively impact the life of each person I meet so they know they are valued and appreciated. 
–Berkeley Puckitt

What was the defining moment in your past that set you on the career path you ended up following? 

A year after I got married to my husband Casey we found out my mom had a brain tumor. At the time we were living in Dallas and I was working in the advertising and marketing business. We had an opportunity to return home to West Texas and to be closer to my mom about a year later. When searching for a new job I knew I wanted to find something that focused on women’s health and helping women take better care of themselves and put their health first. That’s when I found the Laura W. Bush Institute for Women’s Health here in San Angelo. I have been with the Institute for 7 years  to date we have reached over 35,000 individuals right here in the Concho Valley helping them learn more about mental, physical and emotional health through our outreach, educational events and research projects. 

Berkeley with Former first lady, Mrs. Laura W. Bush in October 2019 attending an event in Abilene

Over 500 4-7th grade girls and a positive role model in their life enjoyed the 6th Annual Girl (Girls in Real Life) Power in February 2019.

What makes you unique in your industry?

I can connect with women who want to better themselves for their families as a wife, mother and daughter. In my day to day role I connect with people to help them find resources they need to better themselves and learn more in order to live a healthier life.

Berkeley and Casey Puckitt with Former first lady, Mrs. Laura W. Bush at the Annual  Presents luncheon in San Angelo, April 2019. 

What is one way you hope to impact your community in the future, either personally or professionally? 

I hope to impact my community through the continued success of the Institute’s various outreach programs that help individuals live longer and happier lives. 

 Puckitt Family (Berkeley, Casey, Sadie Grace (3) and Jones (1) ) vacationing in Cabo San Lucas, July 2019.

If you could sit down with any woman in the world–either from history or who is currently living–who would that be and what would you discuss with her? 

I would love to sit down with my great-grandmother Mary Womack who passed away when I was a teenager. I would introduce her to my children and share with her how her life and interests positively influenced me.  She is an example of the women I strive to be and how I want my children to look at me so they understand love, compassion and kindness. I want my children to be successful, confident and faithful servants of the Lord and this is what my Grannie taught all of us to be. 

Connect with Berkeley Puckitt at, on Facebook and on Instagram at @berkeleypuckitt and @lwbiwh.

This profile was (Em)powered by the Laura W. Bush Institute for Women’s Health. 

Edited from an interview by Eleanora Morrison.