As we end the year, with COVID-19 still in view, I am wagering that you, like me, have been more contemplative than usual as we move forward to create new beginnings. With the impact of the virus on all our lives, including the shelter in place opportunity, we see just how magnified life can be. Like watching our favorite movie, or hearing our favorite song, or observing our favorite scent over and again every day, we are more keenly aware of so many more things we simply didn’t notice before. The Greek philosopher Epictetus wrote, People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them. In fact, I would guess to say that we flourish not only by learning new things, but also by acting upon what we
glean from them.

This holiday issue reflects the abundance of cheer and love we all have in our hearts, especially going forward. The joy of brightening other lives, easing each others’ burdens, and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts, becomes for us around here, the magic of the holidays. And, what joy we have for you in this issue. In fact, every page is joy-filled.

Realizing that quality isn’t expensive, it’s priceless, our team’s festive holiday gift list inspiration can help transport you beyond the ordinary. We’ve worked on it all year, and we think you’ll be emboldened by our recommendations to transcend the familiar. We are intrinsically empowered by cultural influencers, tastemakers, and styleweavers. William Jack Sibley’s profile on San Antonio powerhouse Robert L.B.Tobin, who helped, along with his family, create the cultural landscape of the art world in Texas, will have you spellbound by his accomplishments and the ongoing legacy of his foundation. Our happy-as-can-be look at this season’s fall bags, festooned with floral opulence, will surely spark your own stylish creativity too.

Along with our chronicling of ongoing events affected by the virus, you’ll see that people everywhere are
still sharing, giving, and supporting so many great causes across the state. Plus, we’re delighted to offer a
dazzling array of thought-provoking editorial that is unique to both us, and this state. So, we thank you
from the bottom of our hearts for your support this year, and we wish you and yours the merriest holiday
season yet, since we still have so much to be grateful for everywhere we look. Now get out there and be
spectacular with more fun ahead.

XO Lance Avery Morgan
Editor-In-Chief &
Creative Director

Photography by Gregg CestaroLance Avery Morgan Photography by Gregg Cestrao



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